"Thoreau thinks he will gain more power and knowledge
when he and nature unite in freedom."

"Hatred towards Carrie from other students, scared to death from the cause of her mother,
and feeling stupid for certain things was the main cause of the destruction of New England."

"Huckleberry Finn, the King, the Duke, and the crockery basket are all guilty
of wearing masks and contributing to the theme, Appearance vs. Reality."
"What I see in the poem is that it's like there is this girl who I believe is facing death right in the face."

"This government they produced is called a documarcy."

"Well its a horable world out there with ignerite people..."

"Self expression is one of the most underrated forms of communication of today...
People have been expressing themselves throughout music for many years
and should be allowed to do the same in school."

"This song relates to me because like in everyone's life,
they probably have had a couple of close calls with life or anything."

"Native Americans were the first known people to be on land."

"I believe that I have been biting my tongs for long enough."

"The reason I think a guitar describes me is because my dream
is to be a famous guitar when I grow up."