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 Who you support with your time, effort, and money speaks volumes.

March 13, 2003

Amazon.com's About You section
You've got to be drunker than a barrel full of monkeys to invest in these guys, but they sure do know how to run a web site. Here, you can read some reviews I've put up, see my Wish List, and other fun things. Knock yourself out.

The American Red Cross
You never know when you might need a blood transfusion, especially if you're a Dallas Cowboys fan and meet me in a dark alley. Without the efforts of nurses, volunteers, and donors who collect pints of blood for local hospitals, many of the lifesaving surgical miracles of modern medicine would be impossible. I've been a donor since I ran the high school Red Cross blood drive back in the '80s. Given the frequent blood supply shortages, new donors are essential and, if you've never donated before, well, no time like the present.

Habitat for Humanity
An ecumenical Christian group building decent, low-cost housing for people who need it through volunteerism and donations. Also a good way to acquire home building and home maintenance skills.

The Hunger Site
Click a link once a day and donate food to the hungry. Personally, I find it amazing that this isn't a scam of some kind, but all indications are it's legit. (Annoying pop-up window will appear, however.)

Life For A Life Committee
A ballot initiative in Oregon to abolish the death penalty and replace it with life in prison plus victim restitution. If you don't know what I think about the death penalty, you've not read my Opinion piece on it.

Morningside Neighborhood Association
Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil used to say, "All politics is local." So here I am involved in local politics. I was elected to the Executive Board for a two year term in May 2001. I'm also the Neighborhood-Police Liaison for the group.

The Nature Conservancy
Instead of trying to save the planet through despicable eco-terrorism or some other equally ineffective method, the Nature Conservancy buys land. They work with communities, businesses, individuals, and they buy, buy, buy in order preserve the precious and environmentally threatened areas of the world. They save rain forests, wetlands, coral reefs, desert oasis, open spaces, prairies, and so on. They are the largest nonprofit conservation group in the world and the 12th largest nonprofit organization of any kind in the United States. Check their press releases to see the work they're doing. Even better, get involved.

The National Marrow Donor Program
This group maintains the registry of potential marrow donors for patients in need of such a transplant. You may never be called, or you may have the chance to save someone's life.

Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Our home parish here in Salem. Erin is a weekly regular, while I'm more of an infrequent visitor. Of course, I'm also not Catholic. That said, I've attended services at more Catholic churches than I can count, and I prefer Queen of Peace to all of them (for whatever that's worth).

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