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April 29, 1997
Information about Ty Davison straight from the horse's mouth.
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April 29, 1997
Picked up my MRI photos from Kaiser HMO in Santa Clara. Was hoping to post them on the web, but I found out that they're transparencies so I can't scan them. Further vexing me is that I haven't a clue as to what they mean. (Though I've obviously been told the results.) Oh, to have even the slightest medical background...April 25, 1997
The MRI results reveal a herniated disc between L4 and L5. Referral to the neurosurgeon on the way.Spent $400 on car-repair related parts and service.
I've had better days.
April 23, 1997
Had the most laughable dream last night. Dreamt I had all my friends together in this room and I was explaining how to lucid dream. At least it's a step in the right direction, albeit a goofy one.April 22, 1997
Watched Midnight Cowboy with Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight. Amazing that it was Rated X when it was released in '69. Even more amazing that it won all those Oscars. Very well acted and a wonderful soundtrack, but it's just so strange...though I confess part of the reason I think so might be because I'm not gay. Seriously.(I mean that I might not be understanding the picture fully because it's outside my realm of experience, not that I think there's any question about my sexual orientation. Did I make that clear? Next movie...)
Also watched My Left Foot, another Oscar-winning film, this time about a handicapped Irish guy. A somewhat moving and not all-together boring picture, I'm afraid I was more impressed by Daniel Day Lewis' acting ability than any plot point, scene or score. Like Midnight Cowboy, it's probably worth seeing once and never again.
Completed Kaiser Physical Therapy class number two. Clearly levels above the first session, this go-round focused on specific back exercises. Additionally, I signed up for a "Spinal Care Conditioning" classessentially abdominal workoutsstarting in May. It can't hurt, but it's not gonna be much fun.
April 20, 1997
Woe is me! U.S. National Soccer Team ties Mexico 2-2 after my man Kasey Keller makes one of the most bone-headed plays ever. I've watched Kasey play for almost 10 years now, and this is but the second mistake I've seen him make. Nonetheless, geesh, what a screw-up! Just 39 seconds into the game, Kasey takes a back pass and hits it square into the head of an on-rushing Mexican attacker. Bang! Straight into goal. Of course I'm not kidding when I say that he's probably made his one mistake for this decade, but what a doozy.Other than that, the U.S. side played reasonably well. It's plain that Lalas plays hundreds of times better with Balboa. Despite Alexi keeping people onside for the second score, Jeff Agoos had already been beaten badly so it may not have mattered. Our new German-American acquisitions, Mason and Wagner, were again stellar, but they should've received more playing time.
April 19, 1997
Finally had my torpedo-in-a-submarine-torpedo-tube MRI experience. Now easy to see how some people find it claustrophobic. It's pretty loud, too. Anyway, the short form is that I should have the results in about a week.Watched The American President with Michael Douglas, Annette Bening, Martin Sheen and Michael J. Fox. A well-made, engrossing, light romantic comedy, I'm giving it a thumbs-up. Not particularly deep or meaningful, but enjoyable escapism, and I'm a sucker for romantic comedy.
April 17, 1997
Watched Kenneth Branaugh's version of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing with Erin. Lost a horrible bet with her regarding whether or not Ethan Hawke played the role of Claudio. Turns out it was Robert Louis Stevenson or something. I can't believe I was so wrong...April 16, 1997
With the back pain of the last few months I'm afraid my Dream Journal, my first step an attempt to start lucid dreaming, has not gotten off the ground. Like my study of French ("Bonjour! Je m'appelle Ty!"), I'm gonna need to be more persistent in my efforts if I want success.April 15, 1997 Tax Day
Since I sent our taxes in days ago this minor rant has nothing to do with today's events, but here it is anyway: When will the U.S. simplify the tax code? I don't mean switch to a harshly regressive flat tax or something like that. I mean just make the taxes and tax forms easier to figure out and stop giving multi-million dollar tax breaks to corporations that don't need it. It'd be great if it were in my lifetime, 'cause this year's taxes (federal, Oregon and California) were the most lengthy and confusing with which I've ever had the sad misfortune to deal.In happier news, my friend Dennis and I have finally succeeded in transmitting encrypted PGP messages, unbreakable by any individual or government in the world. Now we can start our drug cartel. With luck, I'll be able to convince a few more of my friends to use PGP and join the fun. Just remember everybody, when you import illicit drugs, those profits are tax-free!
April 13, 1997
Had a roaring good time with Dave over the course of the last couple days. Played some ultra-violent PC games, went to the St. Francis High production of Little Shop of Horrors, stayed up far too late just like when we were roomies in college. Dave even helped me set up the sound on my PC, which has led to the discovery of at least one Microsoft-produced item I like: The Microsoft Sound. It's a Brian Eno-created synth sample, and it's quite pleasant. Of course, I still think '95 is a disaster, but at least MS had the foresight to hire good musical help.April 11, 1997
Picked up my friend Dave at the airport. Enjoyed a carpool lane ride on the way home. Whee! See ya everybody! Dave's an old friend of mine from college, high school and, yes, even grade school. Spent the day getting re-acquainted and doing computer stuff.April 9, 1997
Something of a graphics redesign for the ol' Davison web site, and my first day of physical therapy at Kaiser Permanente. Coincidence? Sure, why not?Anyhoo, I met with a bunch of back injury afflicted types and swapped horror stories. On the whole, a fairly boring way to spend two hours. Better than root canal work, worse than a tour of Great America. Now I know how to stand, sit and bend correctly. Ask me next time you see me, and if I don't give you a blank look, try speaking to me in Dutch, because that'll get you a blank look for sure.
Can't stop listening to Arcadia's Election Day (from So Red the Rose). Musta heard it a hundred times today. What is this mindstate I'm moving through that I would find a mid-80s techno song by a group of Duran Duran alums so intriguing? I'm sorry, but I won't apologize (get it?) for being a big Duranie fan. I think their stuff is just swell. In fact my musical vision is to find a way to meld Duran Duran, Seal and U2, which ought to make for fairly compelling listening, at least for me.
SJ Sharks beat goalkeeper Patrick Roy (he's Canadian, eh, so it's pronounced "Wah") and the league-leading, play-off bound Colorado Avalanche 4-1. As you know, I'm a huge Sharks fan and think their missing this year's NHL playoffs is the bitterest pill I've had to swallow since Madonna had some other guy's love child.
April 8, 1997
I may never bad-mouth Kaiser again. First thing this morning they called to set up the MRI. Of course it's a week and half awayif I ever have a life-threatening emergency with these folks, I'm a dead manbut at least it's on the calendar. April 19that's right, Saturdayat 10:25 AM. Light, loose clothing and no metal. Any prayers for me at this time count for double.Headed down to Guitar Showcase where I checked out the Roland XP-80 keyboard, a much better workstation than the Korg N264 I was considering. Truth be told, the Korg has a better piano sound, but they arranged their preset sounds in such a way that you need a booklet to figure out where everything is. Why not group like sounds together like Roland? Like Michael Bolton fans, some things we'll never understand.
April 7, 1997
Good thing I'm no San Jose Sharks fanI'm talking NHL hockey now, stay with mebecause they can't win a game to save their lives. KICU, a San Jose TV station broadcasts a lot of their games, and I don't think I've seen them win one yet. Not a bad team really, but despite outplaying opponents, they never seem to achieve victory. This evening's game was typical: up 2-1 going into the third against the Canucks only to lose 3-2.Called Kaiser: "Ahem, when's my MRI?"
"Let me transfer you to Santa Clara."
"At the tone, please leave your name..."
Oh, good.
April 6, 1997
Finally got up the courage to begin learning French for our summer 1998 trip. With Erin's help on this (she is teaching French 4 and French 5, after all), I should be able to learn enough not to fatally embarrass myself when I'm with her in France. Or, failing that, at least I'll have somebody else I can blame.Having difficulty comprehending French social customs; how will I ever kiss another man while keeping a straight face? There are challenges here besides the fact that they only bathe once a week and will likely hate how I butcher their beautiful language. ("Mercy-Bo-Coo, y'all!") Finding common ground (a love of Jerry Lewis?) could prove difficult.
Pondered a move from my homebase here at alink.net to the confines of a less expensive Internet Service Provider (ISP). Need to do more checking, but I could potentially come out ahead financially after only four months. Lots to look for in an ISP, but no busy signals and no censorship top my list. I'll keep everyone posted if the Davison web site changes providers.
April 5, 1997
Received word that Dave, my friend from grade school, junior high, high school, college and post-college, will be coming into town next week. Seen Dave like once in the last year, so it should be a great get-together. Wonder if I can talk him into buying a Mac. Whaddya think, Dave?April 4, 1997
Spoke with my brother Bret around noon today when he accidentally called me up while programming the auto dialer in his phone. Sounds like he's doing pretty well. He even talked about coming to see us in California before too long. I'm suggesting he visit about the time Dad gets the phone bill.Noticed on the 'net that Connectix Corp. announced a Virtual PC emulator for the Mac. It'll ship in June. Apparently this little software-only toy allows a PowerPC Mac to run DOS, Windows, Windows 95, NeXT and OS/2. I kid you not. According to the press release, it will run everything at speeds that game-players can live with. If this is an April Fools' joke, it's a few days late, so I'm intrigued. Pretty soon there won't be any reason to be a PC; you'll be able to buy a Mac and run everything. (Oh, and by the way, Apple announced that 300-Mhz PowerPC Macs started shipping in May.)
April 3, 1997
Finally got up the courage to finish my federal, Oregon and California taxes. Simplest advice is never to move state-to-state. The partial year resident tax forms, for both Oregon and California, are nightmarish. The Oregon one even required a note from my employers. Jeez. Not that anyone cares, but we'll be owing again this year.Been listening to a lot of jazz and big band stuff lately. Keith Jarrett, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, Billie Holiday. Didn't really care for it at first, but you know what? It really grows on you if you give it the chance. Jarrett's "Koln Concert" from 1975 I'd recommend to anybody...same with the John Coltrane and Glenn Miller. Duke's hot, but you've kinda gotta be into his thing. Same with Billie: I dig her voice, but Erin's not a big fan. Anyway, I've always considered jazz music a more adult pleasurelike smokingso those of you who agree will be pleased that I'm finally pretending to grow up.
April 2, 1997
You know, there are moments in time when I just think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Then I wake up. No, seriously, usually when I get this way, it's strange little things that tip me off or remind me that I've got a wonderful wife, a terrific family and a beautiful group of friends. This time, as silly as it seems, it was receiving two e-mails in row that radiated love. Capra was right, it's a wonderful life. It's times like these that my spirits soar and my problems fade.Which is all right, because we did an series of x-rays down at Kaiser today. Spacing is narrow between two specific vertebrae in my spine. While this could be genetic (i.e. nothing out of the ordinary), odds are that it indicates a disc problem. I'm (finally) being referred for an MRI so we'll see what the real scoop is soon. On the brighter side, the x-rays revealed no broken bones which, theoretically, could have been a heck of a mess.
God is good.
April 1, 1997 April Fools
Enjoyed a pleasant meal at my sister-in-law's. Her husband is a general contractor and showed me an Microsoft Access-based estimating program. Incredibly slick stuff. Also drooled over his 17" SVGA monitor. Next desktop system I buy, I'm grabbing one of those bad boys for sure.